How to study for the CNRN exam
We know there is no best way to study and each person has different study methods that work for them, so we have a list of optional resource materials you can use to study for the CNRN exam. There are several study tools you can use to prepare and the resources listed below are not intended to be comprehensive. For more suggested study materials, please view CNRN Candidate Handbook (for those sitting in July 2025 or later, please review the July CNRN Candidate Handbook to view the updated content outline). ABNN does not endorse any educational product or program.
2025 AANN Neuro-APP Symposium and Neuroscience Nursing Annual Conference
The 2025 Neuro-APP Symposium and Annual Conference will be held in New Orleans, LA. Registration will open in November 2024.
AANN Core Curriculum for Neuroscience Nursing, Seventh Edition
AANN member price: $175
Nonmember price: $255
The Core Curriculum is a comprehensive resource for practicing neuroscience nurses preparing for the CNRN exam. Expanded and updated, this brand-new edition offers crucial, real-life direction on the science and skills required to care for neuroscience patients in easy-to-digest sections and includes new figures and images and a list of relevant tools and resources at the end of each chapter.
Learn more about AANN's Core Curriculum
Self-Paced CNRN Review Course Modules
AANN member price: $20 per module, $300 for the 30-module course
Nonmember price: $27.50-$100 per module
Use the Self-Paced CNRN Review Course to better understand your current knowledge as it applies to certification and determine where additional studies are needed. Choose from 30 modules of study while you prepare for the CNRN exam or, if you’re a recertifying CNRN, simply review neuroscience nursing best practices and earn 0.5 to 2 CE per module!
Each module includes a comprehensive instructor led video, interactive knowledge checks, and correct and incorrect answer descriptions. Topics include
- anatomy of the nervous system
- neurodiagnostic tests
- neuroscience technology
- temperature and intracranial pressure management
- ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
- spine disorders and traumatic spine injuries
- peripheral nerve injuries
- nervous system tumors
- epilepsy
- infection and autoimmune conditions
- neuromuscular disorders
- strategies for taking the CNRN and SCRN examinations.
For information on purchasing the Self-Paced CNRN Review Course for your institution, please contact AANN Member Services at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Groups of 10 or more receive 10% off.
Learn more about the Self-Paced CNRN Review Course Modules
CNRN Self-Assessment Examination
AANN member price: $75
Nonmember price: $100
The self-assessment examination consists of 75 questions covering the seven content areas of the CNRN examination. Consider using this tool as a pretest to better understand your current knowledge as it applies to certification or use it as a gauge to determine where additional studies are needed as you prepare to sit for the exam.
Learn more about the CNRN Self-Assessment Examination
CNRN Exam Prep Package
The CNRN Exam Prep Package contains three of AANN's best-selling products: Self-Paced CNRN Review Course, CNRN Self-Assessment Exam, and the AANN Core Curriculum, 7th edition book. When you purchase the CNRN Exam Prep Package, you save $60 compared to buying the products individually.
Learn more about the CNRN Exam Prep Package
Adventures in Neuroscience DVDs
The Adventures in Neuroscience DVD series features international speaker, author, and coeditor of the Core Curriculum for Neuroscience Nursing, fifth edition, Linda Littlejohns, MSN RN CCRN CNRN.
Correlative Neuro Anatomy
AANN Member price: $34.95
Nonmember price: $36.95
This DVD offers a comprehensive review of the normal structures and pathways of the brain and brainstem including chapters on cerebral lobes, basal ganglia, and thalamus and hypothalamus
Learn more about the Correlative Neuro Anatomy DVD
Comprehensive Neuro Assessment
Member price: $44.95
Nonmember price: $46.95
A sound knowledge of normal and abnormal findings during assessment can facilitate early recognition of potential problems in a patient. This DVD includes case studies and chapter assessments exploring the purpose of examination and different assessment scales.
Learn more about the Comprehensive Neuro Assessment DVD
Spinal Cord Anatomy
Member price: $34.95
Nonmember price: $36.95
This DVD explains the anatomy of the spine and spinal cord, using cadaver specimens to demonstrate structure, and details normal and abnormal findings.
Learn more about the Spinal Cord Anatomy DVD
Ischemic Cerebrovascular Event
Member price: $44.95
Nonmember price: $46.95
The signs and symptoms that accompany an ischemic event are essential to stroke patient care. This DVD reviews assessment of signs and symptoms that accompany an ischemic event and addresses management options, criteria selection, and evidence-based approaches.
Learn more about the Ischemic Cerebrovascular Event DVD
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Free to download!
The Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) series are a collection of free to download material that provides an overview on caring for specific patient populations with neurological injuries and equips nurses with tools that will assist them in delivering the optimum quality-focused patient care.
CPG topics include
- care of the patient with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
- pediatric brain tumor
- adult brain tumor
- myasthenia gravis
- movement disorders and deep brain stimulation
- preoperative and postoperative cervical spine surgery patient care
- neurologic assessment of the older adult.